cuna Project
Cultural environment
Cultural environment
Principles of sustainability
In order for the ethos of peace to be realized, it is necessary that these attitudes are reflected in all actions and decisions of those involved in a project, as well as in the design of the processes and structures.
The following is a first version of the principles of sustainability . Guidelines for the design and work of the cuna project - and a compass for the research trip to living answers to existential questions:
How can we establish an open-hearted and connected being and compassionate, benevolent togetherness and work on this earth in such a way that it serves the well-being of all sentient beings?
How can we shape our work and our projects so that the preservation and promotion of true peace is achieved in all areas of our life and the biosphere?
What properties do human fields of life have, which again embody the original harmony with our true being and the universal principles?
The time is now to set off with all clarity, determination and trustful cooperation, to take our place among the guardians of life and peace.
Principles of sustainability
Clear definition of projects, objectives and responsibilities as a basis more consciously Creation and decision-making processes
Adaptability through a fractal structure that can grow and shrink while remaining stable (holistic structure)
Organic development in harmony with the rhythms of life (there are times to grow, there are times to let go, etc.)
>> Stability
Ability to innovate through "Open Source Design" with openness to new ideas,
Impulses and contributors
Trust-based process flows through self-regulatory designs and
Transparency in all structures and agreements
Design of structures and processes that create space for spontaneity and creative expression for all participants
>> vitality
Agreements and handling regulations, which preserve the sphere of life of all beings involved and guarantee a respectful interaction.
(The freedom of one ends where the freedom of the other begins)
Careful and prudent planning of all projects, which always strives for a win-win situation for all involved, clear definition of the spheres of activity of all participants and realistic project planning
Design of all projects, decisions and productions in clearly defined spheres of activity and complete cycles of responsibility
(cradle-to-cradle principle)
>> Justice
Guarantee of free access to all information relevant to the sphere of activity for all parties involved
Recognition of individual sovereignty and concentric-heterarchical organization (insert definition)
Appreciation of the diversity of opinions and decisions, the principle of cooperation and spheres of activity-specific consensus decisions
>> diversity
Application of empiricism, analysis and holistic scientific knowledge in structural design and project planning, with the willingness to absorb new information and let go of outdated beliefs.
Orientation towards experience, consciousness development and the intention of peace in the case of non-attachment to material gain, power or image of those involved and the organization
Appreciative research and preservation of the ancient knowledge of the original peoples and the experiences of the ancestors for a transfer and application of this wealth of knowledge and experience in new creation cycles